Roid Rage: The Christmas Special (2012)

01-12-2012 Korku 0s 10d 0
Lightbourn International Pictures
Yayın Tarihi:

Set Ekibi (7 Kişi)

Ryan Lightbourn Ryan Lightbourn Director
Ryan Lightbourn Ryan Lightbourn Cinematography
Alan Ostrander Alan Ostrander Special Effects Makeup Artist
Maxwell Bingham Maxwell Bingham Camera Operator
Ryan Lightbourn Ryan Lightbourn Editor
Ryan Lightbourn Ryan Lightbourn Executive Producer
Ryan Lightbourn Ryan Lightbourn Writer

Oyuncular (9 Kişi)

Maxwell Bingham Maxwell Bingham Meth Cook #1
Ben Owen Hawk / Meth Cook #2
Ben Evans Ben Evans Animal / Meth Cook #3
Tristan Flood Tristan Flood Foot Soldier #1
Kenneth Matthews Kenneth Matthews Foot Soldier #2
Zach Canfield Zach Canfield Sammy Jenkins
Christian Kelty Christian Kelty Santa
Randi Krasny Randi Krasny The Hooker
Charlie Shaw Charlie Shaw The Little Helper