Pitch-Black (2025)

R 11-09-2025 Aksiyon Fantastik Tarih Korku Gerilim 2s 14d 0
Johnson Jamboree
Yayın Tarihi:

Set Ekibi (3 Kişi)

Theodore Johnson Theodore Johnson Director
Theodore Johnson Theodore Johnson Producer
Theodore Johnson Theodore Johnson Creator

Oyuncular (11 Kişi)

Theodore Johnson Theodore Johnson Paul Miller [The enslaver]
Michael Hodges Michael Hodges Jamal Carter [Darky, the slave]
Reggie Crawford Riddle Kingsley [The wizard]
Henry Fisher Henry Fisher Police officer [1]
Finn Martinez Finn Martinez Police officer [2]
Elijah Torres Elijah Torres Police officer [3]
William Fisher William Fisher Police officer [4]
Flynn Dhruv Flynn Dhruv Police officer [5]
Isla Campbell Isla Campbell Police officer [6]
Orson Collins Orson Collins Police officer [7]
James Morgan James Morgan The dealer