A Christmas Carol at Ford's Theatre (1979)

N/A 22-12-1979 Fantastik Aile TV film 2s 0d 3
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Set Ekibi (3 Kişi)

Ronald Bishop Ronald Bishop Director
Christopher Sarson Christopher Sarson Producer
Charles Dickens Charles Dickens Writer

Oyuncular (20 Kişi)

Ronald Bishop Ronald Bishop Ebenezer Scrooge
Jennifer Borge Jennifer Borge Fred's Elder Sister
Thomas Dillon Thomas Dillon Young Scrooge
Geoff Garland Geoff Garland Bob Cratchit
Mary Irey Mary Irey Belle
Judy Jurgaitis Judy Jurgaitis Mrs. Fred
Josie Lawrence Mrs. Dilber / Fred's Younger Sister
David Long David Long Marley
Paul Milikin Paul Milikin Mr. Fezziwig
John Morgal John Morgal Tiny Tim
Steve O'Connor Steve O'Connor Youngest Scrooge
Chris Romilly Chris Romilly Fred
Eva Rose Eva Rose Belle's Daughter / Belinda Cratchit
Nancy Sellin Nancy Sellin Ghost of Christmas Present
David Silber David Silber Dick Wilkins
Anita Sorel Anita Sorel Mrs. Cratchit / Mrs. Fezziwig
Scott Sorrel Scott Sorrel Peter Cratchit
Gary Thomas Jr. Gary Thomas Jr. Lamplighter
Kathy Vivian Kathy Vivian Ghost of Christmas Past / Martha Cratchit
Steve Worth Steve Worth Belle's Husband